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Second Trimester Calendar - calling for ideas

Last post 28-06-2010, 7:17 PM by spade. 4 replies.
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  •  28-06-2010, 9:55 AM 5325

    Second Trimester Calendar - calling for ideas

    First of all thanks to everyone who came along on AIC last weekend, it was a fantastic trip, a great bunch of people and we still got a lot done despite the weather! Cheers.

    Kate and I noticed that there were a fair few trip ideas surfacing for next semester's calendar. We'll be planning this out in detail at a committee meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday 28/6) down at the Welsh Dragon Bar - but it would be great to get some input from outside the committee too, so if you have particular trips you want to see happen or are even keen to organise some yourself, come along to the Welsh Dragon at 7pm to join the discussion.

    There'll definetely be a more wintry theme to this half, with trips like midwinter xmas, AIC 2, snow caving, skiing etc, but its good to have a range so if you want to see more daytrips say, or mountain biking, or south island adventures, or crazy mid-week missions, not to mention some good old weekend tramping then let us know. If you can't make the meeting then email suggestions to me ( and Kate ( Or post a reply here!

    See ya down at the Dragon!

  •  28-06-2010, 9:56 AM 5326 in reply to 5325

    Re: Second Trimester Calendar - calling for ideas

    And we've already noted the following suggestions:

    -         Trip up Taranaki (Clark)
    -         Ngaruahoe (Dave)
    -         Hut-bagging in the Tararuas (Richie)
    -         Second mid-winter: South island club fields (Kate & Kieran), early September??
    -         Mid-week mountain biking (Kate and Clark)
    -         Snow-caving (Kieran)
    -         First aid course
    -         Tues meeting: Avo awareness night (Kate)
    -         Tues meeting: Richie on managing emergencies (Kate and Richie)

  •  28-06-2010, 10:23 AM 5327 in reply to 5326

    Re: Second Trimester Calendar - calling for ideas

    Cool. "Avo awareness night" - is this learning how to dis-arm an avocado in preperation for making guacamole?
  •  28-06-2010, 10:48 AM 5329 in reply to 5327

    Re: Second Trimester Calendar - calling for ideas

    No no, it's about discussing avacado rights- did you not know they are an underprivlaged sector of the fruit society?!
    Jess Clark
  •  28-06-2010, 7:17 PM 5331 in reply to 5326

    Re: Second Trimester Calendar - calling for ideas

    Kapiti Island Katie

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