Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 6:00 AM to Monday, 30 September 2024 at 6:00 PM
Organiser: Rewa Walker
This year for our annual publication *HEELS* we are running a competition to make sure we harness the full capacity of our clubs amazing, flowing, oozing, creative juices 🧃. Open to all club members and all ideas no matter how big or small, wacky or weird; show us what you'd like to see on this year's cover of HEELS and it will be pondered upon by your wonderful HEELS committee members!
For those of you who are thinking, "What is HEELS?" you can find out a little more by reading below ⬇️
HEELS is a summary of our clubs amazing adventures covering the last little bit of 2023 up to the end of September ish 2024. If you've come along on a trip, you might see yourselves printed out all nicely with a nice trip report to go with!
We try to produce enough copies of HEELS to go to any member who wants one, this is already covered in our funding and is a free book for members; usually distributed at the Billy Awards towards the end of the year so keep your eyes and ears open for that date!
2022's HEELS was also distributed online so if anyone that didnt have a copy wanted to look through it you can do so by clicking the link HERE, last years HEELS is also available in the trip reports section of the website.
COVER - can be anything really, use your artistic observations to capture the essence of our club from your point of view, the work must be of your own doing. Illustrations, photos, comics; whichever and whatever is your liking.
Document size : A5
Bleed area: 3mm
You must include in your submission:
- The VUWTC logo : Logo files
- The Name of the publication: "HEELS"
- The year : "2024"
- The full name of the tramping club : "Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club"
How to enter:
- Sign up for this event! This way we will be able to easily email you with any additional information you might need and to correspond with the designers who we'd like to use for HEELS.
- Email your designs to us Here: Email Us. Along with A description of your liking, and any relevant information you think we might need to correctly consider your design/s.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with your questions or concerns!
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This trip has already happened!