General enquiries
Postal Address: VUWTC c/o VUWSA, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Ultimately responsible for the club administration. Organises the agenda for club nights and acts as the first point of contact for prospective members.

Runs the tramping side of the club, organises lots of trips and puts together the trip calendar

Assists the Chief Guide to run the tramping side of the club, organise lots of trips and put together the trip calendar

Justin Atkinson
Looks after club membership and correspondence of the club.

Manages club finances, trip payments, refunds etc.

Manages club finances, trip payments, refunds etc.

Climbing Officer
Felicity Wills
Organises rock-climbing trips and rockcraft training
Social Convenor
vita (the only feminist) jerram
Organises club social events

Social Convenor
Chris Russell
Organises club social events

Acts on behalf of the club on environmental and conservation issues

Gear Custodian
Thomas Neville
Runs the gear shed and maintains club equipment. To borrow gear, either come to our Tuesday meeting and ask the gear custodian, or message our Gear Instagram @vuwtc_gear

Gear Custodian
Béatrice Desy
Runs the gear shed and maintains club equipment. To borrow gear, either come to our Tuesday meeting and ask the gear custodian, or message our Gear Instagram @vuwtc_gear

Gear Custodian
Finlay Main
Runs the gear shed and maintains club equipment. To borrow gear, either come to our Tuesday meeting and ask the gear custodian, or message our Gear Instagram @vuwtc_gear

Works to publicise events and produce Baaa and Heels - the club publications

Works to publicise events and produce Baaa and Heels - the club publications

Organises maintenance of huts and tracks and acts as club representative to the Greater Wellington Backcountry Network (GWBN) and DOC.