Since 1921, we have led countless kick ass tramps across New Zealand. Some might say our tramping club is the very best in the world. They would be correct.
Want to come tramping? We do a huge variety of trips ranging from daywalks around the Wellington hills, to week long adventures in the Southern Alps! There are boozy gourmet trips, epic one day crossings of major mountain ranges in cross dress, mountaineering/skiing options on the volcanoes in winter and just about everything in between.
We cater for a wide range of fitnesses and abilities as long as you're keen to walk a bit and want to get out there!
Want to climb stuff? You have come to the right place. Not only does VUWTC like to walk on stuff, float down stuff, ride down stuff and fall down stuff but we particularly like to climb stuff.
We often climb at Hang Dog, chuck in a bit of bouldering. Do a bit of outdoor in the weekend. Climb un-climbable waterfalls (no longer un-climbable) when we should be working. When it is cold enough and we are daring enough we have been known to climb some of that ice stuff. So if you want to climb, find out more about climbing or have something to teach us about climbing, come along!
Besides tramping and climbing VUWTC has a strong taco culture. Every Tuesday after the meeting the club gathers for a potluck style Taco Tuesday Extravaganza. How does this work? Basically we'll pop by at a local supermarket, after which the taco crew rocks up to a flat where Tacos are held that night (you'll learn the location at the meeting).
Social Events
Have you ever heard of Walkies, BushBall, BushRave, or Tramps Tramps Tramps? If not you sure will, and needless to say you should definitely come along.
Ask anyone from the club for more, and for more specific information talk to our Social Officer, they're social after all!