Sunday, 19 January 2025 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Organiser: Liam Baldwin Jankiewicz
Come along to this working bee in Kelburn and help out Kelburn Conservation Network at Pukehinau Reserve.
The meeting spot is at the top of the steps leading into Pukehinau Reserve (117 Kelburn Parade). Everybody is welcome to come, you do not need any previous experience. Tools are not provided by Kelburn Conservation Network, so bring a digging tool and some gloves if you can. It will only be 2 hours and will end with some nice afternoon tea. Bring clothes you don't mind getting dirty and some sturdy footwear. Tom Goodman will be hosting the event, this is simply an advertisement to anyone interested in doing conservation work this Sunday.
Cancellation due to unideal weather will be advised by email during the morning on cleanup day.
Meeting spot on google maps
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