By Justin Atkinson, 06 April 2024
NOTE: best enjoyed alongside humming to your fave burning-related song, mine's "Burning Down the House" (Tom Jones and the Cardigans version slays)
Arson: "the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property." Arsonists: Justin, Davy, Iliya, Jasmine, Charles. Here's all the ways we burned at Burn Hut:
1. Beans for breakfast, beans for lunch, beans for dinner
2. A bottle of Fireball Cinnamon Whisky
3. Limbs set ablaze by leatherwood on the tops
4. Being verbally roasted by two hunters from the Manawatu
5. Sung hymns that involved either fire, burning, arson, and/or more fire
6. Burned the hut's lethal double combo of so-called "cabin bread" and "plum jam"
7. Invented a card game: sit in a pitch black tent, throw a lighter at each other, 1 second by lighterlight to see and play your cards
8. Pebble bombed by two slow, then speeding, motorbikes at the gravel road end
A shame we walked past a river and the Mangahao Dam, perfect places for firefighters darn :/